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Achieving financial growth targets while margins are declining

  • Developing metrics for performance of factory integration systems and understanding how these metrics translate to factory financial information.

  • Achieving waste-reduction, continuous-improvement targets, e.g., through equipment cycle time reduction, and reduction in power consumption.

  • Improving efficiency of factory operations through tighter integration with supply chain, e.g., to achieve lean manufacturing targets.

  • Incorporating product priority into factory integration planning and operations to achieve financial objectives.

  • Using comprehensive traceability of individual devices/components/modules/products to identify problems to specific process areas.

  • Establishing standards for supply chain traceability of spares, e.g., improved understanding of lifetime of spares.

  • Following standards and best practices to support providing degradation characteristics of components from suppliers for improved tracking and predicting of failures.

  • Incorporating comprehensive management that allows for automated sharing and re-usages of complex engineering knowledge and contents such as process recipes, advanced process control algorithms, equipment engineering best known methods.

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