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Meeting manufacturing facility and equipment reliability, capability, productivity, quality, and cost requirements

  • Understanding the increased impact of single points of failure on a highly integrated and complex factory.

  • Improving communication between equipment suppliers and users with respect to equipment requirements and capabilities.

  • Implementing improved bi-directional information exchange between equipment and factory systems to achieve equipment and factory reliability, capability and productivity objectives.

  • Implementing design-in of equipment capability visualization in production equipment; design-in of advanced process control tool to meet quality requirements.

  • Incorporating equipment data, analytics and visualization to support equipment health monitoring.

  • Reducing undesired wait-time waste; developing wait-time waste reporting for tools; providing standardized equipment wait-time waste metrics reporting to support equipment wait-time waste management.

  • Augmenting reactive with a predictive paradigm for scheduling, maintenance and yield management.

  • Yield mining techniques that support root cause analysis for determination of contributions to yield loss in the process stream.

  • Addressing the move towards "lights out" human-less operation.

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