PCB Acronyms
Term | Definition |
A&D | Aerospace and defense |
ABF | Ajiamoto build-up film |
AI | Artificial intelligence |
AOI | Automatic optical inspection |
AR | Aspect ratio |
AVI | Automated visual inspection |
BOM | Bill of materials |
CAD | Computer-aided design |
CAF | Conductive anodic filament |
CAM | Computer-aided manufacturing |
CCL | Copper-clad laminates |
COF | Chip-on-film |
CTE | Coefficient of thermal expansion |
Df | Dissipation or loss factor |
DFT | Design for test |
Dk | Relative permittivity or dielectric constant |
EDACS | Enhanced Digital Access Communication System |
EDX | Energy dispersive X-Ray |
EICC | Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition ® |
EOL | End of life |
ESCA | Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis |
FC-CSP | Flip-chip chip-scale package |
FIB | Focused ion beam |
FPGAs | Field-programmable gate arrays |
Gbps | Gigabits per second |
HDI | High-density interconnect |
HVLP | Hyper very low profile |
HVM | High-volume manufacturing |
HW | Hardware |
IC | Integrated circuit |
IP | Intellectual property |
IT | Information technology |
JEDEC | JEDEC Solid State Technology Association |
JPCA | Japan Printed Circuit Association |
KGD | Known good die |
LCP | Liquid crystal polymer |
LVM | Low-volume manufacturing |
MDA | Manufacturing defect analysis |
ML | Machine learning |
MOT | Maximum on temperature |
MRL | Manufacturing readiness level |
MSAP | Modified semi-additive process |
NPI | New product introduction |
PCB | Printed circuit board |
PFAS | Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances |
RDL | Redistribution layer |
ROI | Return on investment |
SAP | Semi-additive process |
SEM | Scanning electron microscope or scanning electron microscopy |
SEMI | Semiconductor Equipment and Materials Initiative |
SI | Signal integrity |
SW | Software |
TAB | Tape-automated bonding |
Tbps | Terabits per second |
Td | Decomposition temperature |
Tg | Glass transition temperature |
TRL | Technology readiness level |
UL | Underwriters laboratory |
XPS | X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy |