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Sustainability in Electronics Materials: Tables


Technical maturity of various approaches to recycling and reuse of different materials is considered in Tables 1 and 2 below.  These tables list the technology readiness levels (TRLs) for each material for various recycling technologies, as well the major sustainability issues, ranging from toxicology to material availability. A key for the tables is here at this link.

Critical Elemental Materials Table

The Table 1 is a set of the elemental materials used in electronics, their sustainability issues, and technology readiness of the appropriate recycling and reuse technologies. Select the following pdf file to view and/or download:

iNEMI Roadmap Materials Table_Elements.pdf

PCB Compounds Table

The Table 2 lists the compound materials used in PCBs and their manufacture, the associated sustainability issues, and technology readiness of the appropriate recycling and reuse technologies. Select the following pdf file to view and/or download:

iNEMI Roadmap Materials Table_PCB Compounds.pdf

Tables Key

In-table color key
Range of Technology Readiness Levels
TRL: 1 to 4
Levels involving research
TRL: 5 to 7
Levels involving development
TRL: 8 to 9
Levels involving deployment

Spreadsheet column category


Use in electronics

Applications of the named material

Amount used

Is the quantity of material used significant in absolute terms?

Potential recovery value (high/low)

If extracted through processes like recycling, does the quantity of material have significant commercial value?

Material availability considerations (y/n)

Is the primary extraction of the material confined to a limited number of regions globally?

Electronics use dominant (y/n)   

Is the electronics industry the major user of the material or do other industries have a bigger share?

Responsible material extraction (y/n)      

Are there issues around the primary extraction (e.g. mining, refining, etc.) of the material?

Reportable (y/n)

Are there legal requirements to report the use of the materials, for toxicological/environmental reasons?

Return to Sustainable Electronics Overview.

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