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INEMI Roadmap

Forecasting the future of electronics...

Roadmap Topics

Complex Integrated Systems

Topic Co-chair: Francis Mullany (INEMI) Topic Contributors Contributing organizations: Bell Labs Consulting, Nokia; INEMI; Intel; IPC; Jabil; SEMI; Tejas Net...

Sustainable Electronics

Topic Co-chairs: Thomas Okrasinski (Nokia), Fu Zhao (Purdue University), Pia Tanskanen (Nokia) Topic Contributors Contributing organizations: IBM, Nokia, Pur...

mmWave Materials and Test

Topic Chair: Dr. Urmi Ray, INEMI Topic Contributors Contributing organizations: INEMI, Intel, NIST, QWED, Keysight Technologies Acknowledgement As part of th...

Printed Circuit Board (PCB)

Topic Co-chairs: Tarja Rapala (EIPC), Joe Beers (Gold Circuit Electronics) Topic Contributors Contributing organizations: DuPont, EIPC, Four Peaks Innovation...

Board Assembly

Topic Co-chairs: Jasbir Bath (Bath Consultancy LLC), Paul Wang (MiTAC) Topic Contributors Contributing organizations: AMD, Bath Consultancy LLC, Celestica, F...

Smart Manufacturing

Topic Co-chairs: Dan Gamota (Jabil), Ranjan Chatterjee (Cimetrix) Topic Contributors Contributing organizations: Cimetrix, Jabil, Palo Alto Networks, SEMI, K...

Roadmap Drivers

Under development. Drivers not specific to a given topic, but more related to an application area, are stored here. Full scale narratives and tables will be ...

Contributors to the INEMI Roadmap

The INEMI Roadmap depends on the voluntary efforts of a large number of contributors. On behalf of the electronics manufacturing industry, we in INEMI would ...

Guide to the INEMI Roadmap

INEMI Roadmap Taxonomy Color Coding Key for Technology Status Readiness Levels Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) Manufacturing Readiness Levels (MRLs) Color...

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